The season of grass seeds and its impact on our dogs

The season of grass seeds and its impact on our dogs

As spring rolls into summer, nature awakens with vibrant colours and lush greenery. While this transformation is a sight to behold, it can also pose risks to our furry friends, especially dogs. One of the most significant hazards during this season is the prevalence...

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Tackling the Growing Epidemic: Dog Obesity

Tackling the Growing Epidemic: Dog Obesity

October 12th is Pet Obesity Awareness Day In recent years, an alarming health crisis has been silently creeping into households across the world - dog obesity. Just as humans face the challenges of maintaining a healthy weight, our beloved canine companions are also...

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Veterinary Care - Anytime, Anywhere

Medechat is a video consult booking system that means you can have veterinary advice from a highly qualified VetCheck 24/7 Vet, when you need it, without leaving your home.


Veterinary Care - Anytime, Anywhere

Medechat is a video consult booking system that means you can have veterinary advice from a highly qualified VetCheck 24/7 Vet, when you need it, without leaving your home.
