Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Top Tips To Ensure Your Pet Is Exercised, Even When It’s Cold, Windy And Raining.

It can be easy to suffer from a case of the Winter Blues this time of year, but our pets are a timely reminder that it fares well to stick to a good exercise regime. Dogs, cats and rabbits alike all still require time to stretch their legs, blow off some steam and enjoy the sights and scents of the world buzzing around them.

Despite the strong urge to rug up and stay indoors, we have collated our top tips for ensuring that your pet still gets the exercise they require and enjoy, even though the weather may tempt us to avoid it.

Keep a close eye on the weather forecast

Although infamously inaccurate, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your local radar so that you can take every opportunity to head outdoors while it’s dry. Even short bursts of exercise have health benefits for your pet, meaning heading out for several short walks a day will make a difference to your pet’s well-being.

Invest in weather proof jackets for both yourself and your pet

If your pets’ disposition means they are happy with walking in the rain, the breed, age and fur cover of the pet may mean he can head straight out into the elements. Just be sure to take care in drying your pet thoroughly on your return. For the older, smaller or lighter-coated pet, both your comfort and his will depend on how cold and wet you get on your travels. Warm raincoats for both of you ensure that even the fussiest of walkers will be able to head out for a leisurely stroll, no matter the weather.

Play games with the dry surrounding you have

Games of fetch in undercover areas, stair running and ‘Doga’ (Yoga for dogs) are all great ways of keeping your body moving as well as Fido’s..

Allow ‘free-range’ time for smaller pets usually kept in coops or cages.
Guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens and ferrets can all be trained to return to their home using regular routine and healthy feeding. Ensure your chosen space is secure and safe, such as a balcony, small garden area, the lounge room etc. If possible, allow them the opportunity to roam around for a short period to get the daily exercise they need.

Change your perspective

Instead of viewing your pet’s exercise regime as a chore, try to look at it as a great opportunity to not only bond with your pet, but also a chance to work on your cardio intake as well. By looking at a walk with the dog or a play with your cat, even on the dreariest of days, as a great way to burn calories and get your heart rate up, your habits have a better chance of turning into regular, healthier routines.


We have the ability to choose when we leave the house, most of us on a daily basis. Your pet relies solely on you to create this opportunity for them, so try to remain thoughtful of how often they leave the house, and for how long over a 24-hour period.

Regular outdoor exercise is imperative for both physical and emotional well-being of our pets, it is a non-negotiable part of inviting these beautiful creatures into our homes and hearts. Rug up, stay dry, and even if it’s raining cats and dogs, enjoy the precious moments your pet is thrilled to be sharing with you.your body moving as well as Fido’s.