Bringing a new pet home… puppies!

Bringing a new pet home… puppies!

Last month we spoke about bringing a kitten home for the first time, so we decided to create a two-part series and include puppies into the mix. According to the RSPCA, dogs are the most popular household pet in Australia, followed by cats – so if you’re keen to...
Bringing a new pet home…kittens!  

Bringing a new pet home…kittens!  

It is always an exciting experience to introduce a new pet to the family home. While we may know the ins and outs of our most lived-in space, your new kitten will be introduced into an entirely new world. It can be a bit scary and overwhelming, being a little...
Chicken Fever – Feed Your Chooks for Success

Chicken Fever – Feed Your Chooks for Success

With the significant increase of Melbournians investing in keeping chooks again this Spring, we’ve seen an increase of these friendly little fluffballs coming into the clinic for their check-ups. Much like when we meet with owners of household dog and cat residents,...
Engaging The Brain

Engaging The Brain

There is little doubt that no matter how much we love our dogs, the friendship can get somewhat strained if we come home to destruction or soiling inside. It’s even worse if our relationship with our neighbours and the council is threatened because our pooch has been...