by Karen | Mar 31, 2021 | blog
If you own a dog, you’ve most probably asked yourself the question – how much daily exercise does my dog really need? It’s a question most responsible pet owners will carefully consider when they select which breed of dog to introduce into their family, as we all know...
by Karen | Mar 1, 2020 | blog
Watching our best mates age can be challenging, we want them to still be those lovable puppies and kittens forever. As extensions of our family, sometimes even so before we had two-legged litters of our own, it can be really difficult to see the signs of ageing appear...
by Karen | Jun 1, 2018 | blog
We love our daily visits from pampered pooches here at Direct Vet’s and there isn’t a dog yet that has missed out on more than a little bit of fussing from the team! One thing we have noticed though, is the increase in weight issues in the dogs we are seeing. While we...